September 16, 2014

To Love or Be Loved ~ Part 5

To Love or Be Loved ~ Part 5
Janelle Spiers

We are drawing to a close in the story of Marjorie J. Riley and Evelyn O'Hara.  Check back with these links to previous installments to continue to relive this Roaring Twenties Story.

To Love or Be Loved ~ Part 1

To Love or Be Loved ~ Part 2

To Love or Be Loved ~ Part 3

Marjorie J. Riley

Charity is a Curse
What am I supposed to do with a tiny child? 
What can I do that his family couldn’t? The
child moans softly in my arms as I sit in my
parlor.  His warm little body feels strange in
my arms.                                 I don’t know if 
I like it,                                    his holding on,
wet tears                                 on my dress. He
is quiet                                    now, in the
stillness                                   of my house.
His breathing deepens, and I feel sure that he
has cried himself to sleep. What do I do with a
tiny sleeping boy? “Make a bed, Ann.  He’s  
asleep.” I say, but mother wouldn’t approve.

Evelyn O’Hara

I stagger through the darkness
back to the alleyway where I came from.
I feel cold, hurt, and sick. My body shakes.


I lie down on my blanket and try
to feel warm, but I don’t have my warmth.
I left behind the only thing to warm my heart.

Marjorie J. Riley

What Have I Done?
What have I done to deserve this child? His
eyes are round and large and they watch me
silently as I watch him. He is so young and
small. Ann                               feeds him often, 
trying to                                   fatten him up.
Ann knows                               what children
are like. She                             had two, before
the war, but now they are gone. If I didn’t
have Ann, I never could keep this child. Keep
this child? I can’t keep him. I... I can’t....

Evelyn O’Hara

I cannot get up, my body is too weak.
I will lose my job at the factory, but it does
not matter.  Nothing does, now. He is gone.


John is gone, just like Phillip. John is happy, just like 
Phillip. They are both in a better place. I will see my 
husband soon, in a better place.

Marjorie J. Riley

What He Wanted
“Iss mamma wif de angels, now?”
His timid voice, the first words he had spoken,
they broke my heart. Is mamma with the
angels, now?                           “I don’t know.”
I have to say.                          His face is
grave. “My                             mamma see
God?” The child thinks his mother will die.
The poor boy. He wriggles closer to my side. 
I know now, relieved, Father would approve.

Evelyn O’Hara

I shiver and shake. I moan and cough. Night is 
growing darker, the chill is growing colder.
I think of my John, warm in a light house.


I pray to God to hide my boy from pain.
I pray to God to love my boy forever.
I pray to God to help me fight the shadows.

Marjorie J. Riley

Sweet Dreams
I pull Mother’s quilt over the little boy.
His eyes look sleepy but he holds my hand.
I smooth back his brown hair and kiss his
head. “Don’t go,”                    he says softly.
“It’s time for                           sleep.” His eyes
blink slowly.                           I dare to ask a 
question, heavy on my mind, “What’s your
name?” He sighs deep and holds tighter to me. 
“John.” Namesake of my father, given to me.


Evelyn O’Hara

So much pain racks my body, but nothing like my 
Savior suffered. I see His face as I lie in the cold, lie 
in the dark, lie in the alleyway.



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