...“You have no place here,” I said
addressing their leader.
“Why can we not dwell where we
choose?” He asked saucily. Silfun had been a messenger angel and I knew
how he worked. He was bluffing, stalling
for time. I had no time to loose, I
wasn’t sure how long their Carrier had been at work, and so I cut right to the
“You cannot dwell where you choose,
because you have no authority over the Lord.”
The demon paled, as did the others
with him. Without losing a beat, I
motioned for Phineas to take out the
Carrier. Joran and Marcus moved closer to me. Rolf and Wes moved into a defensive crouch,
never once releasing the tension on their bowstrings. The showdown was about to begin.... ~ Triumph Over Evil Part I
Triumph Over Evil ~ Part II
The Man
I closed my eyes and put my hands to
my head. The voice I argued with was
smooth like a polished kitchen counter, and gentle. I couldn’t figure out where it was coming
from, but I didn’t really want it to go away. It had a soothing affect.
So, what will you do? Will you
give up the chance to eat and likely be beaten again, all for the sake of a
dead man?
It was getting harder to fight back
and even harder to want to. Jesus… isn’t… dead.
Really, then why hasn’t He come for you? Why hasn’t He delivered you from this trial? Eat the food. What harm would it bring?
I opened my eyes and picked up the
plastic fork next to my plate. What harm would it bring? I thought hungrily. I could see the Afghans grinning and rubbing
their hands in pleasure.
I could scoop up a bite of steaming rice, a second voice broke through my
thoughts. The voice was strong and
powerful, but not as calming as the first. Be alert and
of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking
for someone to devour. Resist him, standing
firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the
world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to
his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will
himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power forever and ever. Amen.
Stand firm against, what? The first voice hissed. Suffering?
Pain? What is the point?
The first voice did not answer the
questions, but continued to address me. Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith;
be courageous; be strong!
I will. I will! I thought.
NO! There is no point! Eat the food. Stand up after you have had a chance to rest!
The first voice was sounding
desperate, but I was feeling encouraged. “NO” is
right! I will not rest until my work is done! I am a soldier of Jesus.
You are no soldier of Jesus. You
thought things that Jesus would not approve of. He will hate you! The first voice was beginning to sound more like a shriek.
He is right, I
acknowledged soberly.
Yes, the first
voice said soothingly, I am. Come, you are hungry. You cannot think well on an empty stomach. Your reasoning is disjointed. Eat.
I am the bread of life. Whoever
comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be
The second voice spoke with such
authority I could almost feel the first voice cringe. The second voice wasn’t finished. Have
I not commanded you? Be strong and
courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them,
for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Be strong and courageous! With those words in mind, I knew what
I had to do, and without giving any more thought to the matter I threw the fork
onto the floor. “I will never eat your food if I have to deny Jesus to do so.”
The Being
“NOOOO!” The demon Carrier shrieked
in horror. I smiled with satisfaction,
knowing that Kasil probably won that battle. The cry was cut short as the demon crumpled to
the ground. Phineas had tapped him a
little too hard over the head with his hammer. Enraged, the demons retaliated, immediately
engaging Joran and Marcus in combat.
Silfun pulled a black, double-sided
ax carelessly from his belt. As he moved
forward, a bloodthirsty gleam entered his eyes. Instead of lashing out at me as I anticipated,
he swung towards Rolf. Rolf ducked and
fumbled with his bow, but Silfun swatted it away. His blade lacerated Rolf’s arm, leaving a
deep gash. Rolf fell to the ground with
a cry, cradling his arm.
The demon drew back his arm to finish
Rolf off, but before I could block him, Wes shot an arrow straight into the
demon’s eye. Silfun howled in pain and
ripped the arrow from his skull. Wes
moved to comfort his brother.
Silfun threw the arrow at me. I gingerly avoided it. I moved towards the unprotected Kasil, who
seemed undisturbed by the pandemonium around him. Silfun’s face was streaming with blood and he
had an empty socket where his eye had been. He raised his ax and brought it down with a
tremendous thud, right where my shoulder would have been had I not moved in
time. I thrust my blade into the
monster’s unguarded rib cage. Infuriated
and wounded, he roared, swinging his ax at my mid-section. I plunged my sword into his thigh and he
Pulling the sword out of his leg, he
flung it to the ground and backed up weakly.
He glared furiously at me, then flew away on his bloodstained wings. The other demons retreated too, taking their unconscious
Carrier with them. “You can’t win every time!” Silfun screamed over his
“NO, but God can!” I shouted back.
The Man
The three men stopped smiling. As they looked from the fallen fork to me,
then back to the fork, I could tell that these guys weren’t happy, and I
figured I wouldn’t be either when they were done with me. Shorty was the first
to break out of his trance. He bent over
and picked up the fork, nearly stabbing me in the eye with it.
“Won’t eat? Still love Jesus?” he
“Yes. I still love Jesus,” I replied, knowing I had
made the right choice.
But when the Cheshire Cat Man drew a
gun and pointed it at my chest, I wasn’t quite so sure.
“Deny Jesus, or he shoot you,” Tall Guy
“I won’t deny Jesus.” I said strongly
and soberly. I had just resigned to die,
but I didn’t feel afraid.
Cheshire Cat Man started his
obnoxious grinning again as he came closer and closer to me, changing the aim
of the gun to my face. He kept coming
until he was inches from me. I looked
into the barrel of the gun, and closed my eyes.
The Being
Joran and Marcus both had minor
scratches from their skirmish. Phineas
was unscathed, so he carried Rolf. Wes
wouldn’t leave his side. Rolf’s arm was
severely wounded, but he would survive. Kasil
had his arms folded across his chest again.
I didn’t understand how he could always stay so calm.
Suddenly, a loud popping noise
shattered the silence. The Veil burst
and we were suddenly standing outside John Morton’s door.
“Captain, what happened?” Joran
I didn’t really know, but I stated
the obvious, just to sound smart. “Something broke the Veil.”
“How?” Wes queried, without looking
away from his brother.
“I don’t know,” I admitted, shaking
my head.
“Look.” Kasil said softly. His voice had changed, but it was still full
of authority. We all turned to see where
Kasil was pointing.
The door that led to John Morton’s Veil
was gone. In its place was a purple
Lord God, why did you let John die? I prayed in horror as I flew down the corridor. I was commissioned to help him, but I
failed. All I accomplished was getting
my men wounded. Please give me a glimpse of your will!
I was silent. The Lord answered in His own timing, so I
waited. It wasn’t long before I heard
the voice of my Maker, my King. His
voice made me feel small, yet at the same time, great, because I had the
ability to speak with the King of the Universe with an intimacy that startled
most humans.
Daric, you did not fail. You did
exactly what I intended.
But how, Lord?
My way is the best way. John was being
tested. I wanted him to make his own decision,
as I want for all of my people. Had you
not done as I wished, John would have suffered.
Did he make the right choice?
Daric, what did you see on the wall in place of the door?
A cross, my King.
John Morton died for my sake. So,
did he make the right choice?
Anything done for your sake is the best choice anyone can make.
You are correct, Daric. Remember,
all things work together for good for those who love me. Nothing I am a part of
happens in vain. Do you believe this?
I do, Lord.
When I was finished, I felt better. I no longer felt tired from my fight, and I
was filled with a sense of peace and contentment. I kept that feeling all the way back to
heaven, even when I went through the portal. I no longer felt frustrated that I had wasted
my time when the Lord already knew John was going to die anyway. I felt glad that I had gone. If we hadn’t, John Morton might still have
been alive, but he would have rejected the Lord to do so. I was glad I could be part of such a
life-changing moment.
The Man
I had heard the gun go off, and
everything around me went black. I could
hear the men talking in Arabic, but it soon grew muddled and a single Voice
rang out above the din.
Well done, good and faithful servant. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your
reward in heaven!
A pinpoint of light shattered the
darkness. It was small, but it gradually
became bigger as it came towards me. No, I realized, I am going towards it.
Home is where the heart is, people
always said. Well, my heart belonged to
Jesus, and as the light shone brighter, I knew that I was going home.
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"Well done, good and faithful servant..." |
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